Sonic Visualiser

Sonic Visualiser 4.5.2 Audio analyzer for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Sonic Visualiser Abstract:

Sonic Visualiser is Free Software. It is a free and open source audio analyzing application that's user friendly and advanced.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Variate format support and importing capabilities - Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser
Variate format support and importing capabilities.
Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser - 1898px · 1471px
Visualization, comparison and annotation - Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser
Visualization, comparison and annotation.
Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser - 1898px · 1471px
Inspect and visualise audio files - Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser
Inspect and visualise audio files.
Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser - 1898px · 1471px
Viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files - Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser
Viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files.
Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser - 1898px · 1471px
Viewing and analyzing the contents - Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser
Viewing and analyzing the contents.
Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser - 1898px · 1471px
View waveforms of audio recordings in many formats like MP3, OGG - Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser
View waveforms of audio recordings in many formats like MP3, OGG.
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Sonic Visualiser: User interface - Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser
Sonic Visualiser: User interface.
Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser - 1898px · 1471px
Sonic Visualiser screenshot
Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser -
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Sonic Visualiser screenshot
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Sonic Visualiser screenshot
Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser -
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Sonic Visualiser screenshot
Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser -
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Sonic Visualiser screenshot
Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser -
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Sonic Visualiser screenshot
Screenshot of Sonic Visualiser -
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